Noblis Experience Corporate Award Winner

The Noblis Experience Corporate Award recognizes employees who go above and beyond to deliver consistently exceptional service to customers and colleagues. This series spotlights the recipients of this award and their stories.

Meet Emily Andrukonis

Emily Andrukonis Emily is a technical project analyst for Noblis MSD as part of Noblis’ Defense Mission Area and is often recognized by her customer for her dedication and continual pursuit of excellence. She consistently provides a high level of support to the organization; however, on one particular project Emily went above and beyond, delivering outstanding contributions that made a significant impact on the customer’s mission.

Emily’s team was tasked with a project that would typically require a team of drafters, several mid/senior engineers collaborating concurrently, and nine months to produce. In this instance, the team was asked to produce six products, in conjunction with system development, in under 11 months.

Emily learned the skills and technical knowledge required to perform at a higher level. She became proficient with modeling software tools on her own time, a task that normally requires months of training and years to master. She did all of this while maintaining pace with her workload. In less than a year, the team delivered four of the six products. When the senior engineer was unable to continue leading the team, Emily stepped up to the task and continued development on her own, enabling an ahead of schedule delivery.

Two months later, the team completed delivery, and received recognition from the government customer. No matter what the challenge, Emily consistently rises to the challenge and exceeds expectations. Her dedication and passion for excellence are proof of her willingness to go the extra mile, learning new tools and software, improving her technical knowledge and always being extremely dependable.

Congratulations, Emily, on receiving the Noblis Experience Corporate Award! And thank you for bringing the Noblis Experience to life!

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